Which Metrics Matter to You?


While working on an upcoming post about email marketing metrics for the Email Guide blog, we were reminded again as email consultants that there are all kinds of metrics: the usual, the unusual and the not really measurable. And all of them matter. The usual include the following good and bad metrics, and you’re likely measuring these: Opens Forwards Click throughs Sales Bounces Unsubscribes Spam complaints But are you measuring the unusual? These factors reflect the […]

Which Metrics Matter to You?2021-11-09T21:11:12+00:00

Beyond the Welcome Email: Keep Building That Relationship


The welcome email should be part of any and all email solutions because it is easy to do and highly effective. Why do we send welcome emails? Because they have high engagement rates, yes, but also to get the relationship off to a good start, right? After all, this is a relationship you are beginning, you hope, with this person who just subscribed or purchased. And being a relationship, you want it to be something that […]

Beyond the Welcome Email: Keep Building That Relationship2021-11-09T21:12:36+00:00

Defining the “Unengaged” Subscriber


We’ve been talking a lot lately about unengaged subscribers. It seems the whole email marketing industry has. But then someone asked the question, how do you decide when a subscriber is unengaged? And we realized that question needs addressing! As with so many things email, this question has no set answer. It is something your organization will need to decide…and decide you should because it’s not until you can recognize that someone is unengaged that you […]

Defining the “Unengaged” Subscriber2021-11-09T21:12:37+00:00
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