

Experience + Expertise = Smarter Email Starts Here

Crafting Captivating Holiday Email Subject Lines: A Guide

Have you noticed an uptick in Holiday Email Subject Lines in your inbox recently? It’s December, and the digital world is buzzing with holiday email marketing campaigns. This surge offers a prime opportunity to dive deep into the art of crafting holiday email subject lines that stand out. The significance of email subject lines during the holiday season cannot be overstated. As the CEO of an email technology company, I find myself naturally drawn to analyzing […]

Email Deliverability Strategies: Footwear Retailer Reduces Bounce Rate

How could a major online retailer go from a 0.69% bounce rate to almost 50% in just two days? Footwear etc. was at the top of their email game. They are a recognized, award-winning leader in email marketing practices, yet they still face tough competition from other online retailers. Despite their innovation in the email arena, they didn’t have the best practices to regularly assess their email deliverability and monitor their online sending reputation. They thought […]

In the Inbox? Good Job! Now Use These 2 Tips to Get Your Email Opened!

(Updated March 29, 2018) You’ve jumped through all those hoops to get that email delivered to the inbox. That in and of itself is a feat, so good job on your email deliverability! But…now what? Now you’re depending on the recipient to open it. Otherwise, what’s the point? And just because you got it to the inbox doesn’t mean they will open it. A delivered email is not yet an effective email Just because your email […]

ESP Email Marketing Features: What You Want vs. Why You Want Them

When organizations go shopping for a new email service provider or similar vendor, there’s often a disconnect between the email marketing features they want and the reasons behind wanting them. As a company that helps businesses to choose the vendor that is the best fit, we see this time and time again during the discovery process. When this happens—and no one recognizes it—the result is usually a poor fit, as the customer realizes the vendor they’ve […]

Email Marketing Worst Practices Still Prevail, as This LinkedIn Post Proves

This really happened… The following question was posted in a discussion group for email marketers: “I need to blast bulk emails on daily basis so suggest me some best email marketing tools.” As soon as I saw it, I thought, “Oh boy, that person is going to get lambasted for using not one, not two, but three dangerous words in this group: blast, bulk and daily.” I checked the comments on the post, fully expecting to […]

4 Months and Counting! Staying CASL Compliant Post July 1

Disclaimer: As we do every time we post about CASL, we encourage you to seek legal advice to ensure CASL compliance. This post is informational only and not intended to serve as legal advice or guidance. This summer, Canada’s strict anti-spam law will get stricter—and the risk of non-compliance will get riskier. The Canadian Anti Spam Law (CASL) was set up that way, to give marketers time—three years, to be exact—to be ready for compliance with […]

Just Published! The 2017 Guide to Finding an Email Service Provider (ESP)

Looking for the best ESP for your organization? Download the newly updated ESP selection guide. Every year, we take an in-depth look at the email marketing landscape to revise our annual ESP guide. As technologies and expectations change, the lens through which a marketer evaluates an ESP must also change. And that’s why we update this guide every year. Switching email service providers is costly, time-consuming and—quite honestly—a pain. Choosing an ESP for the long term […]

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