One thing about a company like ClickMail: We get involved with a lot of different kinds of email marketing challenges on behalf of our clients. That’s because we offer such a wide range of services, from design to deployment to deliverability diagnostics.

And since the best learning often comes from seeing what has or hasn’t worked for others, today I share with you three real-life stories from our client case study archives. Each is unique in the challenge faced, but all share one common theme: a win. In each case, we were able to tackle the problem and come up with a solution that resulted in better-than-anticipated results.

ClickMail helps Neato Robotics clean up
This case study tells the story of Neato Robotics, a very cool company manufacturing robotic vacuums that can tidy up your house while you’re not home. These little ‘bots are quite clever and handy, but the company was still somewhat new to email marketing and not fully capitalizing on their customer loyalty.

ClickMail helped Neato Robotics to test the waters of email before they fully committed to choosing an ESP and making email part of their marketing mix. The results of this trial run were astounding. Open rates were amazing, almost 50% for one email and over 58% for another. Click-through rates were also outstanding, ranging from 3.45 to 6.33%. The company decided to jump right in to a full-blown email marketing program and ClickMail’s professional services ensured every piece was in place right from the start.

ESP customization leads to huge win for gaming company
Despite the huge success of this gaming company, millions of opportunities to engage the audience were slipping through the cracks, leading to lost revenue. ClickMail customized the ESP used by the gaming company and built an email command center. The company had millions of unique players, with many playing multiple games on multiple platforms. This added up to millions more permutations of the messaging requirements, which made building the email command center a complex yet critical task.

After implementing the new email command center and messaging players more often and in a more targeted way, the company scored more engaged users, more games played, more conversions, and ultimately more revenue. I’d call that a win, wouldn’t you?

Wedding website experiences mysterious deliverability drop
In the case of Exclusively Weddings, an ESP switch unexpectedly led to a plummet in deliverability rates. We were tasked with figuring out why—and how to fix it. Often figuring out deliverability issues means playing detective, and that’s what we had to do here, digging into the matter to figure out what was going wrong. We did (and you’ll have to read the case study to find out what happened). And then we went on to patch things up with Google on behalf of the client.

The whole process took two months from start to finish, and by finish, I mean all of the email addresses were moved back to the main list. And once that happened, the client saw email opens skyrocket to 22%! Not bad for a business that was getting blocked two months before!

What’s your email marketing win—or loss? Do you have a story to share or a case you need help with? Only let us know. We’d be delighted to hear about your happy ending, or help you to make one happen.

Published On: July 27th, 2016Categories: Miscellaneous email marketing topics

About the Author: Sharon

Sharon Ernst from is on a mission to improve the business and marketing writing skills of today’s workforce with her blog, newsletter and online classes. Her newest class on intermediate email copywriting covers 19 tips and techniques non-copywriters can put to use right away for better results. The class has real-life examples and before/after comparisons to make the lessons stick. Find her class at When she’s not busy helping employees, managers and marketers master their writing skills, she and her husband are busy raising pigs, cows, chickens and vegetables on their 20-acre farm.

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