Are your email marketing best practices engaging? If you’re thinking email doesn’t engage, social media does, we have news for you.
According to a Customer Engagement Report Summary, companies reported the following methods as most likely to increase online engagement with customers:
* Email newsletters 72%
* Presence on social networks 48%
* Micro-blogging (for example, Twitter) 46%
Perhaps these statistics again emphasize the importance of great content. You can say a lot more in an email newsletter article than a Facebook post or Tweet, and that gives you more opportunity to engage with that person. When you give them useful, relevant, compelling content, they will want to read it. Great content is definitely something we encourage you to consider as part of your email marketing best practices.
And not only will people be more likely to want to read it, they’ll want to share it…which brings us to the other channels for engaging with customers: Facebook and Twitter.
Maybe better engagement through email newsletters can lead to more engagement via social networks later?
There’s another benefit too: Deeper engagement with your newsletters helps improve email deliverability too!