email deliverability problems avoided when choosing right ESP for your enterprise

Avoid Email Delivery Problems by Choosing the Right ESP for Your Enterprise

Inline with advice in our newly updated guide to choosing a top tier ESP, this email marketing blog post titled “Don’t Put Your B2B Email In a Box” by Ardath Albee gives a great illustration of what we’re cautioning against. Although she’s making great points about different channels beyond email and being cognizant of what is happening outside of your email marketing program, the same case can be made for knowing what is happening within your B2B email marketing program.

Having an ESP with capabilities that give you the insight you need is imperative. You might even think of these preventive measures as email deliverability best practices, because unhappy subscribers who are over-messaged or confused often become happy unsubscribers.

Any enterprise-sized business will have particular ESP requirements that enable them to avoid email deliverability problems with the right controls and capabilities. This kind of larger organization might have different business units running independently of one another, for example, but with a need to control the look and feel of any messaging that goes out.

The time to make sure you won’t have email blunders like that is when you’re choosing your new email service provider, not after!

Some questions to ask yourself when searching for a new ESP:

• Do you need the ability to silo business data, so one department cannot email another department’s list?
• Do you need corporate level views into the activity of different departments?
• Do you need corporate level approval? What about a master reporting toolset that pulls in data from the different departments?
• Do you need the ability to have different headers and footers, for different accounts and brands?
• Do you need different unsubscribe and bounce policies between business units? Do you want to allow a user unsubscribe from one brand’s list without unsubscribing from all?

As Ardath says, “The oversights made by B2B marketers who only consider one email program at a time are irritating to prospects, and customers, alike.”

Choosing a top tier ESP with all the enterprise level capabilities you need is a great place to start to avoid problems later.

Download the newly updated guide to choosing an ESP.

Published On: January 31st, 2011Categories: Miscellaneous email marketing topics

About the Author: LaRock

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