email deliverability tools

Email Deliverability Consultant Builds Online Tool for Choosing Best ESP

In the email service provider (ESP) space, it has become very difficult for email marketers to discern hard facts about ESP capabilities from the ocean of competing marketing claims…especially now that ESPs are adding social media integration and marketing automation type features.

What was already confusing is now even more so. And it’s not as if one or two ESPs shine as the standouts, because every organization has different needs…so every organization is going to have different ESP criteria.

Given all of this, how do you choose an ESP?

Try the ESPinator.

To create a completely vendor-neutral, objective way of evaluating ESPs, ClickMail Marketing—a reseller of email marketing products—built the ESPinator, an online tool for comparing email service providers.

The ESPinator looks at the actual capabilities of the various ESPs, compares them based on the needs of your organization, and generates actionable results, free of any bias or sales pitches.

A team of email consultants  evaluated each ESP  based on 200 different criteria. These evaluations were built into a software system that removes any subjectivity when helping you compare the capabilities of an ESP to the capabilities you’re looking for.

You can trust the ESPinator to give you bias-free results. Clickmail Marketing is assiduously vendor-neutral and maintains our role as email consultant,  in order to help you find the best ESP for you so you can improve email marketing practices and ROI.

If you’re looking for an ESP or want to size up your current one, use the ESPinator.

Published On: March 1st, 2011Categories: Email deliverability

About the Author: LaRock

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