improve email deliverability - know difference between newsletter and nurture

Improve Email Deliverability: Know the Difference Between Newsletter and Nurture

Gretchen Scheiman has a great post in a recent issue of Email Insider on the difference between your email newsletter program and your email nurture program…or at least what should be the differences.

Before you disregard this email marketing blog as irrelevant to you, ask yourself: “Is my email deliverability rate as high as it could possibly be?”

If the answer is no, take a quick look at this email marketing blog post. Knowing the difference might even improve email deliverability, because treating each appropriately—the email newsletter and the email nurture program—means delivering appropriate content to each audience, which means being more relevant.

Yes, sometimes the steps to improve email deliverability are disguised as something else. But anything that makes your email marketing program more relevant falls into the category of email deliverability best practices if you ask me!

Published On: February 22nd, 2011Categories: Email deliverability

About the Author: LaRock

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