You have no choice. You must take email delivery problems seriously. Very seriously.

Why? Because every percentage point of improvement in your email deliverability is a potential improvement in your email marketing ROI. You might think there’s no real difference between an 81.5% email delivery rate and an 82% email delivery rate. Not really, you say, that’s such an insignificant number. But if half a percentage point equals 1,000 more inboxes, and you have a conversion rate of say, 2%, that’s 20 customers you’ll never ever reach. Simply because you didn’t improve email deliverability.

As an email deliverability consultant, ClickMail’s job is to improve email deliverability for clients in whatever way possible. Sometimes that means tweaks. Sometimes that means overhauls. In either case, our email deliverability service is focused on figuring out the problem, developing a solution, and positioning your company to move forward ready to monitor and continue to improve email deliverability on your own.

We won’t hand you a fish to eat. We’ll hand you a fishing pole, sit by your side and show you how to use it, and make sure you can feed yourself (and your email marketing program) for a lifetime.

And it’s not just about improving email deliverability to improve ROI. These days, as ISPs start measuring engagement to filter email on consumers’ behalf and people start experiencing the Priority inbox in Gmail, you might just see a dramatic rise in email delivery problems…without changing a thing.

That’s where email deliverability best practices can also help, to keep you from getting filtered and blocked…because the best practices of the past are not the best practices of the present!

Don’t go it alone. Get expert help. With an email deliverability consultant like ClickMail on your team, you’ll make the tweaks (or overhauls) that improve email deliverability today, and keep it optimized despite the changes that will inevitably happen tomorrow.

Published On: September 10th, 2010Categories: Email deliverability

About the Author: LaRock

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