

Experience + Expertise = Smarter Email Starts Here

Want Your Email Marketing to Go Viral? Do Email Well!

What makes an email go viral? Well, in a way, commonsense and best practices make an email go viral—or at least that’s how I read a Litmus report on the subject. I’m not trying to be facetious here. Looking at the findings of this report, it really does seem as though viral emails are simply well done emails—those adhering to email marketing best practices. Check out the characteristics that the most viral emails, the ones in […]

Email Best Practices for Double Opt-Ins that Actually Get the Opt-Ins

In an age of omni-channel marketing, with marketers integrating social media and email marketing campaigns and digging deep into Big Data, the phrase “double opt-in” sounds a bit, well, old-fashioned. Who’s thinking about that any more? In other words, we’ve got bigger fish to fry these days! But hold on. There’s a little more to double opt-in than simply being extra diligent about the quality of your email list (although that’s still a very good reason […]

Subject Line Analysis Report Offers New Insight Into This Critical Content

Adestra has published a report on subject lines that ought to be a must-read for every marketer, regardless of industry, because it’s an eye opener (or reminder) of the big huge impact one little word can have. Subject lines can always benefit from optimization because they affect not only open and click-through rates, but unsubscribe rates as well. In order to delve deeper into subject line best practices to discover ways to improve, the folks at […]

Webinar: Get Some ESP Therapy to Find Out if It’s Time to Say Goodbye to that Email Service Provider

If you’re having issues with your email service provider, and you’re wondering if it’s time for a switch, this upcoming DMA webinar is a “must do” for you. On September 15th, we’ll be sponsoring a webinar on just that very topic—but on an unusual aspect of it. Rather than tell you how to switch email service providers, we’ll first see if we can’t help you save that relationship (and therefore save yourself the time, cost and […]

Why Switching Email Service Providers Can Be Good for Your Email Health

If you work in a corporate environment, chances are you’re familiar with wellness programs. Originally intended to encourage physical health on the part of employees in order to reduce sick days and healthcare costs, wellness programs now run the gamut and even include stress reduction and financial wellness. Now I, as an email marketer, am going to take some liberties with that wellness concept and give you my thoughts on another kind of wellness: ESP wellness. […]

This Summer, Heat Things Up With Your Subscribers

It’s so easy to take for granted those who are closest to us: our spouses, our kids…our subscribers. Yep! Even our subscribers whom we worked so hard to get are the ones we tend to neglect as we go in search ever more subscribers. And since all good relationships sometimes need a little spark to heat things up again, we offer a few ways you can easily show some summer lovin’ to your email subscribers and […]

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